Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers days to all muther's out there. I'm listening to KFOG in San Francisco this morning, waiting for my only child, my son of 28 years, to call me and wish me a happy moms day. Odds are he won't; 75% of the time he does not.
It means so much to a mom to know that her young adult kid can take a moment out of their life to call their muther and say, I'm thinking of you. That means more than cards, candy, diamond necklace's...hmmm, well that would blast me into a million pieces...but in reality its the special call that says "Mom, I love you and I hope you are having a happy day even though I'm not taking you to one of those crowded, awful-tasting-expensive brunches, I really love you and appreciate you.
Well, there, I've said it for him :) usual. I still hope and pray he calls.

1 comment:

judeedee said...

UPDATE: He did call, and I was filled with joy and love. Way cool!