Thursday, June 7, 2007

a Novice

I just wanted to say, in case anybody ever comes to read my blog, that I have never done one of these before. Yep, I'm just beginning. But, I love it. I love reading others' blogs and now, that's the way I research the "news, etc" . I need to know what's happening to us, and around us; mostly for the young ones, like my son and grandson. Knowledge is power, but using it is what its all about. So, I am very new at this, but have been learning to add items to oped news, among other sites I respect and read regularly. The writers at those places are my teachers. I love to learn new stuff.
Off to new territories....

Environmental Defense Action Fund

Declaration of New PatriotismIf you are--
Go to to read about the New Declaration of New Patriotism, and to sign it!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Update; Carol Lam firing

Here is an update from talking points memo cafe, and the most important stuff Josh Marshall had to bring to light about this DOJ scandal.

Pick Up the Tempo Senators!

On TPM with Joshua Marshall, he brings up some really great points regarding the DOJ/Gonzoles scandle. To the point Josh asks why isn't the Investigative team asking more questions about the Lam firing. There is just too much there, for it to be ignored. Check it out :

An Open Letter from an American living in Argentina

I hope all of you read this article from Factinista. It is simply written, very direct and to the point, and absolutly the truth. I only wish that this or something equivelant would be allowed on "mainstream media". But of course, this "open letter" is not an ingredient in the bland, censored pablam that most of them (other than truthful, progressive media) pour into complacent minds. Here is the link:

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers days to all muther's out there. I'm listening to KFOG in San Francisco this morning, waiting for my only child, my son of 28 years, to call me and wish me a happy moms day. Odds are he won't; 75% of the time he does not.
It means so much to a mom to know that her young adult kid can take a moment out of their life to call their muther and say, I'm thinking of you. That means more than cards, candy, diamond necklace's...hmmm, well that would blast me into a million pieces...but in reality its the special call that says "Mom, I love you and I hope you are having a happy day even though I'm not taking you to one of those crowded, awful-tasting-expensive brunches, I really love you and appreciate you.
Well, there, I've said it for him :) usual. I still hope and pray he calls.