Friday, May 7, 2010

Racist Elephant in the Room?

Well, here in the Bay Area there are signs, many, that racism is creeping back up, and NOT going away! It is despicable, disgusting and frightening. We finally have an African American President of our country, and yep, they all come crawling out of the shadows like the cockroaches they are. High school students in Morgan Hill wore American flags to protest Cinco de Mayo, while at another school further up the peninsula, students actually burnt Mexican flags and threw them in the trashcans. to protest Cinco de Mayo. An "innocent mistake" (the students said) was made when they wore BORDER PATROL SHIRTS to school to protest the Mexican Holiday at Pioneer School in San Jose! WTF is going on folks? Do you really think our teens are naturally racists all on their own. Youth have never been known to be that way. They are just the opposite. Kids are not naturally haters. The adults in their lives convince them they should be dividers, separatists, and racists. I believe we should call it what it is. This is not something that is going to blow away like a trend in shoes.
This all goes along with the tea party movement, in my opinion. Tea Partiers are fueled by fear, hate of "others", and they are teaching their children (youth) to believe in their unfounded racist ideas. That is apparent by the growing numbers of young people at the tea party 's.
I know they say they aren't racists. But tell me when have racists EVER admitted they were racist! When? They are liars, hiders, inciters, and haters. They have come out in great force. They hid in the shadows when we had older white men as leaders of our country. But, unfortunately, as soon as Obama was elected they started showing up. In the "Town Meetings" that our President hosted, people started popping up with ridiculous ugly remarks that had no substance, only mean-spiritness and hatefulness. But they needed someone else to represent them. Because racists in general are not very good public speakers. So naturally they went to the colleges, and high schools through parents and other means of coercion.
I am talking about this because, one-I am furious about what is happening here in the San Francisco Bay Area. And two-because if we don't talk about it in plain language openly, they will flourish. And we will end up back in the Civil War. Literally, we will have another Civil war in the 21st Century. What a damn shame.
What an embarrassment! We have finally regained respect from the rest of the world that Bush destroyed during his 8 years of reign. And we are sabotaging that respect from the roots of our country; the youth, and the lack of respect for ourselves. There is much, much more to say about this. I am just attempting to start the conversation about the elephant in the room.